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Rules of Bird Hunting, The Maximize

Rules of Bird Hunting, The

Awdur: Eeva Park

Cyfieithydd: Jayde Will,

Clawr Meddal: 64 tudalen

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£ 7.99

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Casgliad o gerddi Eeva Park sy'n cyfuno'r teimlad a'r meddwl wrth bortreadu byd natur ac wrth archwilio gwerthoedd. Cyfieithwyd o iaith Estonia gan Jayde Will.

Eeva Park began as the author of mood poems depicting nature and has said that she mixed feeling and thought in her poetry, while her prose is a mixture of understanding and memory. This original collection, translated by Jayde Will is an exploration of values, real and imagined incorporating the best of Parks work from the last three decades.