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Unbelievable Barry Town Fc - Success, Failure and Revival: 1993-2019 Maximize

Unbelievable Barry Town Fc - Success, Failure and Revival: 1993-2019

Awdur: Ian Johnson

Clawr Meddal: 160 tudalen

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£ 16.99

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Cyfrol sy'n adrodd hanes degawd euraid yn hanes tîm pêl-droed tref y Barri, cyfnod pan welwyd hwy yn ennill Cynghrair Cymru saith gwaith, drwy'r blynyddoedd o chwarae fel tîm amatur dan y perchennog dadleuol Stuart Lovering hyd nes y llwyddodd y cefnogwyr i reoli'r clwb a sicrhau bod y tîm, unwaith eto, yn chwarae yn Ewrop yn 2019.

Unbelievable Barry Town covers the club's golden decade where they won the Welsh Premier seven times, through the years of playing as an amateur team under controversial owner Stuart Lovering, until the fans were able to take over and turn the club around to once again play in Europe in 2019.