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Guto Gwningen: Hanes y Cyrch Cnau (DVD153) Maximize

Guto Gwningen: Hanes y Cyrch Cnau (DVD153)


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£ 5.99

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Croeso i drydydd DVD Guto Gwningen a'i Ffrindiau - Hanes y Cyrch Cnau. Dilynwch helyntion y cymeriad bach direidus a hoffus, Guto Gwningen wrth iddo oresgyn rhwystrau, a threchu ei elynion. Mae Guto eisiau tyfu fyny i fod fel ei dad, ac mae'n cario dyddiadur ei dad sy'n egluro sut i fod yn gwningen dda.

This is Guto Gwningen's third DVD - Hanes y Cyrch Cnau (The Story of the Nut Attack). Follow the antics of Guto the rabbit and his friends as they try to overcome obstacles and defeat their enemies. Guto wants to grow up like his father, and regularly consults his father's diary, which he carries with him, so that he may learn how to become a good rabbit.