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Little Book of Woodland Bird Songs, The Maximize

Little Book of Woodland Bird Songs, The

Awdur: Andrea Pinnington

Dylunydd: Caz Buckingham,

Clawr Caled: 24 tudalen

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£ 12.99

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Gall fod yn anodd adnabod adar ar y gorau, ond yn arbennig yn y goedwig, felly gadewch i'r gyfrol hon ynghyd â'ch clustiau eich helpu. Gwrandewch ar ganeuon amrywiol dwsin o adar drwy wasgu'r botymau - o gân hiraethus telor yr helyg i alwad gysurlon yr ysguthan.

Birds can be hard to spot at the best of times and never more so than in the woods, so let this book and your ears do the work instead. Listen to the wonderfully varied songs and calls of woodland birds, easily accessed at the touch of 12 simple sound buttons from the wistful song of the willow warbler to the comforting call of the woodpigeon.