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Tacsi i'r Tywyllwch Maximize

Tacsi i'r Tywyllwch

Awdur: Alun Cob

Clawr Meddal: 144 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Dydi Madog, gyrrwr tacsi o Fangor, ddim yn cael diwrnod da. Yn y bore, mae'n hebrwng corff ei fam i'r amlosgfa. Erbyn diwedd y noson, bydd hefyd wedi colli'i gariad mawr. Ond ble'r aeth hi? Pam ei bod hi wedi diflannu? Wrth dalu am wasanaeth y cyn-dditectif Ian Robertson i ymchwilio i'r mater, mae Madog yn codi cwr y llen ar sawl cyfrinach dywyll ac annymunol.

Madog, a taxi driver from Bangor, isn't having a very good day. In the morning, he accompanies his mother's body to the crematorium and by the end of the night he will have lost his true love. But where did she go? Why did she disappear? By hiring ex-detective Ian Robertson to look into the matter, Madog uncovers many dark and undesirable secrets.