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Territory, The - Escape Maximize

Territory, The - Escape

Awdur: Sarah Govett

Clawr Meddal: 214 tudalen

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£ 7.99

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Y flwyddyn yw 2059, a rhaid i Noa Blake sefyll arholiad er mwyn aros yn ei chartref, ond caiff Jack, ei ffrind o'i phlentyndod, ei anfon i dir gwlyb, clwyfus, lle mae'n debygol o farw. Mae Noa a'i chariad Raf yn addunedu i achub Jack, ond er iddyn nhw dorri drwy'r ffens a goroesi anturiaethau peryglus, tybed a fedran nhw ddychwelyd?

The year is 2059. 15-year-old Noa Blake has to take an exam to stay in the Territory, but her childhood friend Jack has been sent to disease-ridden Wetlands where most die. Noa and boyfriend Raf have vowed to rescue Jack, but how? After breaking out and surviving dangerous adventures they find him, but how to break back in?