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Annibyniaeth / Independence Maximize

Annibyniaeth / Independence

Awdur: Mari Emlyn

Clawr Meddal: 144 tudalen

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£ 7.99

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Cyfrol ddwyieithog syn gofnod ac yn ddathliad or ymgyrch dros annibyniaeth i Gymru hyd yma. Ceir straeon gan bobl syn egluro eu taith bersonol nhw at gefnogi Cymru annibynnol ochr yn ochr â lluniau o raliau, gemau pêl-droed a gorymdeithiau. Trafodir hanfodion annibyniaeth a chynhwysir rhai o areithiaur ralïau.

A bilingual book chronicling and celebrating the campaign for Welsh independence. There are stories from people explaining their personal journey to support an independent Wales alongside pictures of rallies, football matches and marches. The essence of independence is discussed and speeches from rallies are also included.