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Camau Cyntaf Maximize

Camau Cyntaf

Awdur: Angharad Llwyd-Jones

Dylunydd: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio,

Clawr Caled: 58 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Mae'r llyfr hwn yn adnodd arbennig i gofnodi'r cerrig milltir ym mywyd eich baban. Mae'n gyfle i ddathlu genedigaeth. Ceir cyfle i gofnodi adegau arbennig, pobl arbennig a digwyddiadau arbennig. Yn seiliedig ar gyfrol a gyhoeddwyd gan Anno Domini Publishing, My Special Baby Book.

This book is a valuable resource to record the first milestones in your baby's life. It's a way to celebrate birth. It also lets you note the special times, the special people and the special events. Based on a title published in English by Anno Domini Publishing, My Special Baby Book.