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Non - yn Erbyn y Ffactore Maximize

Non - yn Erbyn y Ffactore

Awdur: Non Evans, Alun Gibbard

Clawr Meddal: 208 tudalen

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£ 9.95

Mae stori Non yn cynnig cyfle i gael cip ar fyd chwaraeon y merched. Dyma gyfrol onest a diflewyn-ar-dafod gan athletwraig a chwaraewraig rygbi o'r safon uchaf, sydd wedi gorfod brwydro yng nghanol byd dynion. Mae yma stori sy'n siŵr o ysbrydoli merched a dynion fel ei gilydd.

Non's story provides an insight into the world of women's sport. This honest and outspoken book tells the story of an athlete and sportswoman of the highest standard, who has had to struggle in a man's world. The story is sure to inspire men and women alike.