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Gwlad o Gaws a Llaeth Maximize

Gwlad o Gaws a Llaeth

Awdur: Thelma Adams, Branwen Davies

Clawr Meddal: 184 tudalen

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£ 7.99

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Hunangofiant difyr perchennog Caws Cenarth, Thelma Adams, merch ei milltir sgwâr sydd wedi teithio'r byd ac wedi tyfu yn un o wragedd busnes mwyaf llwyddiannus Cymru, gyda chymorth a chefnogaeth ei theulu agos yn y fenter o ddatblygu ei busnes gwneud caws.

The entertaining autobiography of Thelma Adams, owner of Caws Cenarth Cheese, one of Wales' most successful businesswomen in the latter part of the 20th century, with the help and support of her close family in the venture of developing her cheesemaking business.