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Shaking City, The Maximize

Shaking City, The

Awdur: Cath Drake

Clawr Meddal: 72 tudalen

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£ 9.99

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Mae Awstralia, gwlad enedigol Cath Drake yn cael lle amlwg yn ei chasgliad cyntaf o gerddi, The Shaking City. Yn awdur y cylchgrawn arobryn Mslexia, mae hi'n creu hanesion deheuig, tirluniau ffrwythlon a phortreadau cymeriad craff. Mae'r ddinas simsan ei hun yn cynrychioli anesmwythder y llefarydd ynghyd â'r cyfnod presennol o newid mawr.

Cath Drake's native Australia features large in her début collection of poems, The Shaking City. Author of a Mslexia magazine prize-winning pamphlet, Drake fashions adroit narratives, lush landscapes and keenly observed character portraits. The Shaking City itself stands for both the unease of the narrator and the swiftly changing times we live in.