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How Long is Not Long?

Awdur: Daphne Gloag

Clawr Meddal: 32 tudalen

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£ 5.99

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Cyfrol o gerddi hynod Daphne Gloag, lle y mae'n gafael mewn cysyniadau cymhleth megis amser a chosmoleg gan lunio myfyrdodau sgyrsiol am gyflwr y natur ddynol. Mae'r dilyniant o gerddi coeth yn amlygu gofal y bardd gyda'i hymchwil ac yn bennaf, ddycnwch a pharhad cariad.

Daphne Gloag writes remarkable poems of cosmic scale. Yet, taking complex concepts such as time and cosmology as her references leads not to dense inaccessibility, but to conversational meditations on the human condition. In this exquisite sequence the carefulness of the research shines out, but even brighter is the enduring nature of love.