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Untergang Maximize


Awdur: David Batten

Clawr Meddal: 64 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Dilyniant myfyriol o gerddi sy'n glawstroffobig bron. Agorir â golygfa mewn ystafell dywyll heb drydan yn nyfnder gaeaf cyn cloi â cherdd wedi'i gosod oddi fewn i gawell asennau'r bardd. Nid byd diobaith a bortreadir gan David Batten, ond byd sydd angen dihuno ar fyrder, wynebu'r tywyllwch a'i newid.

In Untergang, David Batten offers a sequence that is internally reflective, almost claustrophobic. Starting indoors in the dark of a power cut in the depth of winter and finishing inside the writers ribcage, this is not a world without hope, but it is one that urgently needs to wake, to face the dark and change it.