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Geiriau a Gerais Maximize

Geiriau a Gerais

Awdur: T. Llew Jones

Clawr Caled: 129 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Detholiad arbennig o'r cerddi sydd wedi cynnal a chysuro'r awdur ar hyd ei oes, yn arbennig y rhai sy'n darlunio'r gymdeithas a fu'n fagwrfa iddo. Ceir cyfuniad delfrydol o hiwmor iach a deunydd mwy dwys a chyffrous. Mae darnau gan feirdd o Gymru benbaladr, gan gynnwys bois y Cilie, R. Williams Parry, Dic Jones, a rhai gan T. Llew Jones ei hun.

A selection of poems that have sustained the author T. Llew Jones throughout his life, especially the ones that depict the society that nurtured him. Here is a good combination of humour and more serious themes. Contains poems by poets from all corners of Wales, including bois y Cilie, R. Williams Parry, Dic Jones and some by T. Llew Jones himself.