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Salmau Cân Newydd Maximize

Salmau Cân Newydd

Awdur: Gwynn ap Gwilym

Clawr Caled: 252 tudalen

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Mewn stoc

£ 4.00

Fersiwn mydryddol cyfoes o'r salmau, er mwyn cynorthwyo cynulleidfaoedd eglwysi a chapeli ledled Cymru i ganu'r salmau unwaith eto. Nodir mesur pob emyn, ac awgrymir emyn-dôn addas i bob un ohonynt. Gyda rhagarweiniad sylweddol, mynegai testunol a mynegai i linellau cyntaf pob pennill.

A contemporary psalter in metrical form, to assist Welsh congregations in churches and chapels to sing the psalms once more. Each hymn is noted with its measure and a hymn-tune is also suggested. Includes a substantial preface, a subject index and an index to the first lines of each verse.