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Gwneud Cysylltiad y Nadolig Maximize

Gwneud Cysylltiad y Nadolig

Awdur: J. John

Cyfieithydd: Mair Jones Parry,

Clawr Meddal: 62 tudalen

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Dewch i ganfod mwy am bwy yw Duw a sut yn union y mae'n teimlo tuag atom. Cewch wybod sut y bu i ni golli cysylltiad â Duw a sut y gellir adfer y cysylltiad hwnnw. Addasiad Cymraeg Mair Jones Parry o Making the Christmas Connection.

Find out more about God and how he feels towards us exactly in this booklet that tells us how we lost contact with God and how we can try to restore that connection. A Welsh adaptation of Making the Christmas Connection.