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Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland Maximize

Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland

Awdur: Lisa Schneidau

Clawr Meddal: 192 tudalen

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£ 9.99

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Casgliad o straeon gwerin sy'n eich cario ar daith ddeiliog, werdd o amgylch ynysoedd Prydain. Mae gan bob stori wreiddyn lleol ac mae'n gysylltiedig â'r coed a'r planhigion gwyllt sydd o'n cwmpas drwy'r tymhorau: o'r uchelwydd hudolus i'r danadl poethion dig.

This collection of folk tales takes you on a green and leafy journey around the British Isles. Here are locally sourced and traditional folk tales of the wild trees and plants that surround us through the seasons: from the magical mistletoe to the bad-tempered stinging nettle.