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Ar Lafar, Ar Goedd Maximize

Ar Lafar, Ar Goedd

Awdur: David Jenkins

Clawr Meddal: 198 tudalen

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Golwg ar gymdeithas wledig de Ceredigion drwy graffu ar gyfoeth yr iaith ymhlith y brodorion. Mewn tair ysgrif gydgysylltiol trafodir trefn strwythurol cymdeithasol cefn gwlad de Ceredigion a'i ddulliau amaethu trwy ystyried ymadroddion llafar y gymdeithas.

A study of rural society in south Ceredigion through observation on the richness of language among the inhabitants. Three related essays discuss the social structure of south Ceredigion and its agricultural methods, and how this is reflected in the oral dialect of the community.