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Wicked Wales: The Quarrelsome Celts and the Rapacious Romans Maximize

Wicked Wales: The Quarrelsome Celts and the Rapacious Romans

Awdur: Catrin Stevens

Dylunydd: Graham Howells,

Clawr Meddal: 144 tudalen

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£ 5.99

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Cyfrol wedi ei dehongli a'i darlunio'n gyffrous yn datgelu ffeithiau ffiaidd a straeon arswydus am arferion creulon, gweithredoedd drwg, a brwydrau gwaedlyd y Celtiaid a'r Rhufeiniaid.

The wicked truth of history is revealed! Celts? Romans? Who were they? Well they were the quarrelsome and rapacious people whose wicked ways are revealed in this book. You'll find plenty of foul facts and terrifying tales about their fierce fighting and blood-filled battles on these pages.