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Wicked Wales: The Appalling Victorians Maximize

Wicked Wales: The Appalling Victorians

Awdur: Catrin Stevens

Dylunydd: Graham Howells,

Clawr Meddal: 144 tudalen

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£ 5.99

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Cyfrol yn sôn am fywyd yn oes Victoria wedi ei ddehongli a'i ddarlunio'n gyffrous. Ceir darluniau difyr ar bob tudalen, ac mae'r gyfrol yn storfa o wybodaeth wedi ei gyflwyno mewn dull ysgafn ac apelgar. Olrheinir arferion eithafol y cyfnod, a sonnir am sgandalau ysgeler, terfysgoedd, streiciau, cosbi, y wyrcws, a'r ofergoelion a goeliwyd. Addasiad o Oes Ofnadwy Victoria.

A book describing life in Victorian times interpreted in an exciting way. Including humorous illustrations on every page, the book is a trove of information presented in a clear and appealing way. It concentrates on the extreme and humourous habits of the period, including the scandals, riots, strikes, punishments, the workhouse, and the superstitions believed at the time.