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How to Draw: Into the Blue Maximize

How to Draw: Into the Blue

Awdur: Nicola Davies

Dylunydd: Abbie Cameron,

Clawr Meddal: 32 tudalen

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£ 7.99

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Yng nghwmni'r swolegydd, y bardd a'r awdures boblogaidd Nicola Davies, cewch ddarganfod rhyfeddodau byd natur, a dysgu sut i ddarlunio creaduriaid môr o bob lliw a llun, yn cynnwys slefrod môr lliwgar a llyswennod tywod ariannaidd. Ceir cyfarwyddiadau llawn ar sut i ddarlunio'r creaduriaid gan Abbie Cameron ynghyd â ffeithiau difyr amdanynt gan Nicola Davies.

Discover the delights of nature with zoologist, poet and top children's book author Nicola Davies. Learn how to draw aquatic animals of all shapes and sizes, including colourful jellyfish and silvery sand eels, with full instructions on how to draw these animals by illustrator Abbie Cameron and lots of fun facts on all the animals by Nicola Davies.