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Nanteos: The Dipping Pool Maximize

Nanteos: The Dipping Pool

Awdur: Jane Blank

Clawr Meddal: 368 tudalen

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£ 9.99

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Nofel hanesyddol sy'n rhagflaenydd ac yn ddilyniant i The Shadow of Nanteos. Mae'n parhau stori teulu Powelliaid drwgenwog plas Nanteos ynghyd â byd creulon a dirgel Ceredigion yn y ddeunawfed ganrif.

Historical novel Nanteos - The Dipping Pool is both prequel and sequel to The Shadow of Nanteos, continuing the story of the infamous Powell family of Nanteos mansion and of the violent, secretive world of 18th-century Cardiganshire. It is visceral and hard-hitting, exploring life in the mansions and mines of the Wild West of Wales.