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Rara Avis

Awdur: Manon Rhys

Clawr Meddal: 384 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Nofel wedi ei lleoli yn un o bentrefi Cwm Rhondda yn yr 1950au yn portreadu hapusrwydd a thristwch merch ddeg oed sy'n cofnodi ei gweithgareddau a'i hemosiynau, a'i pherthynas gymhleth gyda chyfoedion ac oedolion, yn arbennig ei pherthynas gyda'i mam alcoholig ac emosiynol ansefydlog.

A novel set in a Rhondda valley village in the 1950s portraying the happiness and sadness of a ten-year old girl who records her childhood activities and emotions, and her complex relationship with peers and adults, especially her relationship with her emotionally unstable and alcoholic mother.