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Gwe o Gelwyddau Maximize

Gwe o Gelwyddau

Awdur: Delyth George

Clawr Meddal: 192 tudalen

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£ 3.00

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Nofel gyfoes, gyffrous sy'n llawn cynllwyn, sbin a dychan. Ond o dan yr wyneb mae 'na un thema gyson - brwydr ingol merch ifanc i ddod i delerau â gorffennol tywyll sy'n bygwth chwalu'i dyfodol hi ac eraill o'i chwmpas.

An exciting, contemporary novel, which is full of conspiracy, spin and satire. Under the surface there is one constant theme - the tortured struggle of one young woman as she tries to come to terms with the dark past which threatens to destroy her future and those around her.