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Better Houses Have Windows Maximize

Better Houses Have Windows

Awdur: Susie Wild

Clawr Meddal

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£ 8.99

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Mae Better Houses Have Windows yn olrhain symudiadau'r awdures, o gyfnod blentyndod i oedolyn, trwy gyfrwng darnau creadigol llawn ffraethineb a rhyfeddod. Mewn cyflwr o ddadleoliad parhaus, symuda o babell a charafan sipsi i dreulio cyfnod byr mewn ysgol breswyl, ac o lety i eiddo wedi'i rentu y gall ei alw yn gartref, bron.

Better Houses Have Windows charts the author's moves, every six months to two years, from childhood to adult life with wit and wonder. In a state of constant displacement, she flits from tents and gypsy caravans to a short-lived stint at boarding school, from lodgings and house sitting to a two-room rental she can nearly call home.