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Library of Wales: in and out of the Goldfish Bowl Maximize

Library of Wales: in and out of the Goldfish Bowl

Awdur: Rachel Trezise

Clawr Meddal: 132 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Argraffiad newydd o nofel gyntaf Rachel Trezise, a enillodd wobrau Orange Futures a Dylan Thomas. Wedi plentyndod creulon yng nghymoedd difreintiedig de Cymru, mae Rebecca yn tyfu i fyny'n gyflym, ond mae'r holl fyd yn ei herbyn. Mae'n caru, yn meddwi ac yn cymryd cyffuriau er mwyn anghofio'r pethau drwg. Yna, wrth ddarganfod llyfrau ac ysgrifennu, daw cyfle i godi o'r gwaelodion.

Début novel from Rachel Trezise, winner of the Orange Futures Prize and the Dylan Thomas Prize. After a brutal childhood in the underprivileged Welsh valleys, Rebecca is growing up fast, but the whole world's against her. She falls in love, gets drunk and takes drugs. There are things she needs to forget. But when writing and books take hold of her life she starts to come up from the bottom.