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Homeless Heart-Throb, The Maximize

Homeless Heart-Throb, The

Awdur: Crystal Jeans

Clawr Meddal: 256 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Nofel ddoniol a thrist am yn ail wedi'i gosod yng Nghaerdydd a fydd yn ysgwyd darllenwyr. Cyflwynir cymeriadau credadwy a lleisiau deniadol, a phrofir holl ystod perthynas pobl a'i gilydd - o fewn teulu a rhwng cyfeillion, y rhamantus a'r rhywiol - a hynny drwy gyfrwng taith hynod ddarllenadwy i isfyd tywyll y Gymru gyfoes.

Alternately hilarious, shocking and sad, Crystal Jeans' latest novel is set in Cardiff. But perhaps not the Cardiff the urban planners would use in their shiny advertising campaigns. Lit up with authentic characters and appealing voices, and the full gamut of human relationships platonic, romantic and sexual this is an unputdownable journey into the underside of contemporary Wales.