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Brenin y Trenyrs Maximize

Brenin y Trenyrs

Awdur: Pryderi Gwyn Jones

Clawr Meddal: 160 tudalen

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£ 6.95

On sale

ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA, VANS, CONVERSE, REEBOK... Dyma stori am fachgen sydd wrth ei fodd efo trenyrs! Wir yr! Mae o'n ysu am gael pâr o'r trenyrs Adidas gorau sydd yn siop 'sgidiau fwyaf cŵl y dre, Foot Locker.

ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA, VANS, CONVERSE, REEBOK... This is a story about a boy who is mad about trainers! He's itching to own the best Adidas trainers from the most cool shoe shop in town - Foot Locker.