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Wish House, The Maximize

Wish House, The

Awdur: Celia Rees

Clawr Caled: 218 tudalen

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£ 10.99

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Nofel wedi ei gosod ar arfordir gorllewin Cymru yng nghanol yr 1970au yn portreadu colli diniweidrwydd, profiadau cyntaf o gariad, rhyw a marwolaeth, a theimladau tywyll o genfigen a brad wrth i fachgen ifanc gael ei hudo gan deulu anarferol sy'n arfer cariad rhydd a chymryd cyffuriau.

A novel set on the West Wales coast in the 1970s portraying the loss of innocence, first experiences of love, sex and death, and dark feelings of jealousy and betrayal as an adolescent boy is seduced by an unusual family who practice free love and experiment with drugs.