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Last Big One, The Maximize

Last Big One, The

Awdur: Dan Anthony

Clawr Meddal: 160 tudalen

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£ 8.99

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Mae Clint yn fachgen da, ac mae'n meddwl ei fod yn gallu gwneud i'w athrawon gredu'r un peth - nes iddo gael ei daflu allan o'r ysgol wedi damwain. Mae Clint yn rhedeg i ffwrdd; mae'n methu wynebu marwolaeth ei dad, ei fam sy dal yn brifo, a'r ysgol i blant trafferthus.

Clint is a decent kid, and thinks he might even be able to convince his teachers of that until an accident gets him expelled. Unable to face the death of his father, his emotionally distant, grieving mother, and a last-resort school for troubled kids, Clint runs away.