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Nearest Far Away Place, The Maximize

Nearest Far Away Place, The

Awdur: Hayley Long

Clawr Meddal: 320 tudalen

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£ 6.99

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Stori gref am rym cariad brawdol yn dilyn trasiedi deuluol. Mae'r brodyr Griff a Dylan yn teithio i Manhattan gyda'u rhieni pan ddigwydd y drychineb fwyaf - caiff eu rhieni eu lladd mewn damwain car erchyll. Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2018.

The Nearest Faraway Place is a powerfully told story of the love between two brothers in the aftermath of a family tragedy. Griff and Dylan are driving into Manhattan with their parents when the worst happens. There is a terrible car accident and Dylan and Griff's parents are killed. Tir na n-Og Award Winner 2018.