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Asterix the Roman Sodger (Scots) Maximize

Asterix the Roman Sodger (Scots)

Awdur: René Goscinny

Cyfieithydd: Matthew Fitt,

Dylunydd: Albert Uderzo,

Clawr Meddal: 48 tudalen

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£ 7.99

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Mae Obelix yn ddwl am Ffalabala... mae e dros ei ben a'i glustiau mewn cariad â hi. Ond mae calon yr eneth wedi torri - mae ei darpar wr, Rafingolygix, wedi cael ei orfodi i ymuno â byddin Cesar. I gadw Ffalabala rhag cur, achub Rafingolygix yw'r nod i Asterix ac Obelix. Wrth i'r ddau ddod yn filwyr i Gesar, bydd cariad yn sicr yn drech na rhyfel!

Obelix is head over heels in love with Purestotta, but she's distraught when she realises her fiancé Herthrobbix has been forced to join Caesar's army. To make her happy again, Asterix and Obelix decide to join up and rescue Beanocomix. As they both head off to turn Caesar's war upside down, they make sure that love conquers all!