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Pump Prysur: Antur y Pen-Blwydd Maximize

Pump Prysur: Antur y Pen-Blwydd

Awdur: Enid Blyton

Cyfieithydd: Manon Steffan Ros,

Clawr Meddal: 80 tudalen

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£ 6.99

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Addasiad Cymraeg Manon Steffan Ros o The Famous Five: The Birthday Adventure. Stori fer gyda lluniau lliw newydd sbon. Mae Jo ar ei ffordd i barti pen-blwydd gydag anrheg arbennig iawn. Ond gwell iddi fod yn ofalus! Mae dau leidr yn dynn ar ei sodlau, ac maen nhw'n torri eu boliau i gael gafael ar yr anrheg...

A Welsh adaptation by Manon Steffan Ros of The Famous Five: The Birthday Adventure. A short story with brand new colour illustrations. Jo is on her way to a birthday party with a special gift, but she needs to be careful! Two thieves are hot on her heels, and they are intent on getting their hands on the gift...