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Sombis Rygbi Maximize

Sombis Rygbi

Awdur: Dan Anthony

Cyfieithydd: Ion Thomas,

Clawr Meddal: 104 tudalen

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£ 5.99

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Stori ddifyr a doniol a fydd yn apelio at gefnogwyr rygbi. Tybed all grwp o zombis helpu Arwel i wireddu ei freuddwyd? Uchelgais Arwel yw cael ychwanegu llun ohono ef at gasgliad y teulu ar y silff ben tân, ac mae ganddo gynllun ... Addasiad Cymraeg o Rugby Zombies.

A humorous story about a boy arranging a rugby game for zombies. Arwel's ambition is to add his picture to the family collection on the mantelpiece - and he has a plan - a photo of him playing for the school rugby team should do the trick! However, an unfortunate incident leading to their defeat on the rugby field means his chances aren't high.