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Country Tales: Mountain Lamb, The Maximize

Country Tales: Mountain Lamb, The

Awdur: Nicola Davies

Dylunydd: Cathy Fisher,

Clawr Meddal: 36 tudalen

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£ 6.99

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Pan fo Lolly yn canfod oen amddifad ar goll ar y rhos, mae hi'n perswadio ei thadcu i adael iddi ei fagu. Wrth i Lolly wynebu'r her, mae ei phrofiad gyda'r oen yn ei helpu i fod yn ddewr wrth iddi hithau wynebu marwolaeth ei mam ei hun. Teitl arall gan dîm llwyddiannus Nicola Davies a Cathy Fisher.

When Lolly discovers a tiny orphaned lamb lost on the moor, she convinces her grandfather to let her be responsible for raising it. As Lolly grows into the challenge, her experience with the lamb helps her to be brave following the death of her own mother. Another title in the Country Tales stories by Nicola Davies, complemented by charming, emotive line drawings by Cathy Fisher.