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Boy's Best Friend, A Maximize

Boy's Best Friend, A

Awdur: Nicola Davies

Dylunydd: Cathy Fisher,

Clawr Meddal: 36 tudalen

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£ 6.99

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Pan ddanfonir Clinton i ymuno â'i fam a'i theulu newydd yn Llundain, rhaid iddo adael heddwch a diogelwch yr ynys, ei deulu yno, y prynhawniau pysgota ac yn bennaf, ei gi, Rufus. Ond ynghanol yr holl newid, mae swyn byd natur yn parhau i'w ddenu a'i gynnal. Un o chwe chyfrol mewn cyfres o deitlau am fagwraeth yn y wlad.

When Clinton is sent for to join his mother in London, he must leave the quiet and safety of the island behind, his family there, the afternoons spent fishing and, perhaps most importantly of all, his old dog, Rufus. But amongst this change, the lure of nature and the presence of 'a boy's best friend' are never far away. One of six titles about young people growing up in the countryside.