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Molly and the Whale Maximize

Molly and the Whale

Awdur: Malachy Doyle

Dylunydd: Andrew Whitson,

Clawr Caled: 36 tudalen

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£ 12.99

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Dilyniant i'r stori ganmoladwy Mali a'r Môr Stormus, sef stori emosiynol gan y meistri storïol a darluniadol Malachy Doyle ac Andrew Whitson am weithio gyda'n gilydd i gynorthwyo creadur i i ddychwelyd i'w gynefin.

Sequel to the acclaimed Molly and the Stormy Sea, Molly and the Whale is a moving tale from master storyteller Malachy Doyle and illustrator Andrew Whitson about working together to help a creature to return to its habitat.