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Sgyrsiau Noson Dda: Emlyn Richards Maximize

Sgyrsiau Noson Dda: Emlyn Richards

Awdur: Emlyn Richards

Clawr Meddal: 80 tudalen

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£ 4.00

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Ysgrifau noson gymdeithasol. Gweini ar ffermydd yn Llŷn oedd gwaith cyntaf y Parchedig Emlyn Richards (Cemais, Môn, ers tro bellach). Nid yw dyddiau coleg a chyfnod yn y weinidogaeth wedi dileu arddull gartrefol ei gyflwyniadau i gynulleidfaoedd - na'i hiwmor gwerinol chwaith.

A collection of three talks given by the Reverend Emlyn Richards (Cemais, Anglesey) as he recalls rural work, traditions and characters on the Llŷn peninsula where he worked as a farm-hand before entering the ministry, the talks retaining the homeliness and humour of his presentations.